Google launches semi-final preview of the Android system copy Nougat

Appeared new information on Google to copy the final preview for developers to system Android Nougat launch and make it ready for download now, which means that it will eliminate many errors that have emerged during the trial period, there is still this new system is subject to technical preview there are no guarantees of stability, and that the construction of the new you tested on all devices that contain a beta programs even though they are outside the scope of Nexus devices.

It does not set a fixed date for the launch of this version to consumers, but is expected to be launched during the summer of this year, and if you download this new version and have any inquiries team Android will respond to all inquiries via the Ask serve Me Anything available on site Reddit, starting from tomorrow.

A large number of customers are very excited about the new version of Android for several reasons, among these reasons the inclusion of Google in the mobile version Easter egg, as it is likely to be the inclusion of the game Neko Atsume. Appeared on the site Phandroid system instructions step by step, maybe this is a good system for the game Pokémon Go was not, but there are many games you can enjoy it on Android Nougat system.
