Facebook pay you money for your publications! Fact or a lie?!

His Excellency Facebook company experienced by now I think it is very commonplace to hear soon that it will pay its users money for publications. The world's largest social network and revenues available to Being an is a very large probability of a big play for Facebook to provide this feature as a prelude, and if you would like a brief answer on this question of the introduction to this topic give faster answer.

Facebook pay you money for your publications! Fact or a lie?!

Site the global verge and in an article on Tuesday of this week saying where, and after several studies that Facebook will let its users many advantages, including the payment of money for users, sharing advertising return with publishers and adding piggy bank money property in addition to providing display space Options ad for advertisers which makes Facebook users eager for all those things.

And says this survey that the payment of money to the users material as a return to their publications feature will only accounts documented available but can not stop at anything right now officially because all these things only remaining studies and empirical surveys can be a reality in the future and can be canceled .. and also to indicate the sharing of profits with the users is not new, and Facebook will never be the pioneer on this subject where previously, and for many of the social networks and that the adopted share revenue with users and the best example is YouTube.

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